Spoke 35

Spoke 35

Ab dem 7.2.2018 im Handel



SORE Bikes präsentiert die Video Premiere von "Mash SF" in Köln und hier bekommt Ihr schon den Trailer zu sehen!

Am Samstag, dem 16. Januar 2016, könnt Ihr Euch den Sau coolen Streifen "Mash SF" auf der Premiere in Köln reinziehen.
Die Sause startet um 19 Uhr in der Kneipe "Zum Goldenen Schuss" und der Eintritt ist FREI!

Samstag, 16. Januar 2016

Zum Goldenen Schuss
Antwerpener Str. 38
50672 Köln, Deutschland

19:00 Doors open
20:30 Screening

INFO "Mash SF": Mash is a group of friends: racers, artists, students, musicians, designers, and photographers, all connected through bikes. What started as a small video project and have grown into a team of racers, a line of bikes produced with Cinelli, and an outlet for friends to support each other through bikes. The accompanying video takes a narrower view than the book, focusing primarily on street-riding in San Francisco. With exceptional riding and up-close cinematography, the video captures the joy of riding track bikes in a city like SF and passes that excitement along. 

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